Benchmarking & Investor Analysis

Consulting Services | Benchmarking & Investor Analysis

and Investor Analysis

Our team of ESG consulting experts help you understand how your current ESG practices and disclosure compare to peers and/or best practice. We help companies understand their investors’ approach to ESG integration and ESG priorities.

What We Can Do For You

We will benchmark your current approach to ESG and climate change to peers to help you understand how your peers identify, govern, manage and report on ESG and climate change factors.

We will help you understand how your current practices align with evolving investor and stakeholder expectations on ESG and climate change, and help your company understand the ESG priorities of its current and prospective investors. This includes everything from the way ESG and climate change factors are integrated into the investment process, to engagement priorities, proxy voting activities, and involvement in key collaborations and initiatives.

We also help investors and companies compare their existing ESG and Responsible Investing policies and practices against current best practice and/or peers to identify opportunities for further alignment.

Our Services Include:

  • Peer benchmarking and recommendations for improved ESG market positioning
  • Best practices benchmarking and recommendations for enhanced alignment
  • Analysis of current and prospective investors’ ESG/RI policies and practices
  • Recommendations for ways to better meet investor expectations on ESG and climate change


“As a utility with many important stakeholders, effective engagement is essential to the success of our ESG initiatives. ESG Global Advisors masterfully facilitated stakeholder engagement as part of our ESG materiality assessment- conducting interviews with internal and external stakeholders, and executive workshops to gain consensus on our priority ESG risks and opportunities.”

Jennifer Addison

SVP Sustainability, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, EPCOR Utilities